Thursday, December 01, 2005


My kids were first introduced to the idea of superheroes earlier this year when we saw The Incredibles. Then we got some old Superman movies which they have watched over and over again. More recently they have started to understand the concept of heroes in general. Last night Silas saw a TV ad that mentioned a hero. His face lit up and he smiled from ear to ear. "Hero, Mommy! Hero!" This morning when he did something especially kind to Sarah I asked her, "Is Brother your hero?" He grinned. "I a hero!" And then when the kids were watching The Sound of Music, Elizabeth asked, "Was the Captain a hero?" She says that God and Daddy are her heroes. (Awwww...)

Billy and I have a goal to hang out as a family with godly pastors, missionaries, evangelists, and other Christians who will encourage our children in the faith. We look for books that tell about Christian heroes. I know that they will admire people from many walks of life, but my hope and prayer is that their true heroes are those who exemplify godliness and inspire them to become heroes to someone else.

1 comment:

Charity Grace said...

Awww, you are sweet. :)