Monday, April 28, 2008

For Your Reading Pleasure

Since I can't even get my dishes done, much less blog, here are links to people who are clearly more organized and less newly postpartum than myself.

Jen of Et Tu? (Diary of a Former Atheist) is interviewed at The Cynical Christian. The topic? Approaching Atheists: What Can Christians Do? Good stuff. I don't often run into avowed atheists, but in a region that's 80% Catholic , I do frequently encounter people who are greatly disenchanted with organized religion. Ironically, Jen is Catholic, but her faith is clearly real to her. I appreciated her thoughts.

Anna's older children have all found their life's work and become good at it at very young ages. I recently asked her how she and her husband accomplished this, and she kindly answered me with this post.

Billy tells how to choose a good Christian book at The Disciple's Journey.

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