Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lemonade on the Porch

One of the things that excited me most about our new house is the small screened porch in back. I've wanted a porch for all our married life, but I've never had one. However, one thing after another took precedence and I hadn't yet gotten the porch orderly enough to actually use. That was on my to-do list every day last week, but still I couldn't seem to get it done.

Billy and I have a weird sort of telepathy. Often when I have something on my mind, he does too--but we often have different purposes in mind for the same item or event, and he usually beats me to the punch. (I procrastinate.) So naturally when he scored a weight bench on Freecycle last week, the first thing he thought of was turning my beloved porch into a weight room!

The next morning I took the little ones outside and we put the porch to rights. Then we had lemonade, made from local lemons I juiced and froze last winter, to beat the sweltering heat. So nice. The porch might turn into a weight room one day, but I'm going to enjoy it for now!

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