Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Check 'Em Out

OK, so I am going through a homemaking blog phase. I found these this week and added them to my sidebar. They are delicious!

As I See it Now

Homeliving Helper

1 comment:

Debra said...

Thanks so much for linking to me! I could really identify with your above post, the one about wanting to someday have a couple acres---that was a post I could have written... I dream of having that, too someday, but in the meantime, I, too, am happy in our old-fashioned house in our old-fashioned neighborhood. :) Are you familiar with Mary Jane's Farm Magazine? I read those to help me feel like I am even now living in the country. :) Mary Jane inspires me to keep my little yard and garden up and growing, too. Thanks again and I hope you will visit often... Debra