Saturday, November 03, 2007


Since we've been sick, hot honey lemonade has been on the menu. It tastes good and for me, works better than any commercial expectorant. Besides, lemons are pretty. (Excuse the glare. No time to crop right now.)


Donetta said...

I hope all of you are feeling better soon. Do you use honey in your tincture?

Charity Grace said...

I just squeeze half a lemon in a mug with a tablespoon or so of honey, and fill it with boiling water. Stir to mix everything up. It's pretty soothing.

Arizona Mama said...

That's a hot toddy without the whiskey! You are right, it is soothing. Hope you guys can shake this thing soon.

Anonymous said...

Hey are pretty, aren't they?!
Hope you're all feeling better!!!