Saturday, January 21, 2006


Tomorrow, January 22, is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.

I grieve for the millions of babies in my generation and those following who have lost their lives to abortion.

I grieve for the millions of women who have believed the lies that the children they have carried are only collections of cells, not real babies; or even that the children they have carried are indeed tiny humans, yet they still have the right to end their lives.

I grieve for the women who regret and mourn their decision to abort. I grieve for the women who don't.

I'd like to recommend two blogs that are wonderful and sensitive resources for women who have experienced abortion. Take a look at After Abortion and Abortion Hurts . Reading information like this helped me to see that not only babies, but women and men are also victims of abortion in a different way. It helped me to see women who choose abortion as people who are deceived, confused, or desperate, not cold-blooded baby-killers (as they are too often stereotyped). It helped me to understand the pain, guilt, and grief that so many women experience as the result of choosing abortion.

I still stand as strongly against abortion as ever, but I hope that I can do so with sensitivity and grace toward those who live with the aftermath of the choice to end the lives of their unborn children. I pray that I'll see the end of legalized abortion in my lifetime--for the sakes of precious babies and the parents who conceive them.

(Many thanks to Tulip Girl for being an advocate of the unborn and their mothers. Her blog is where I first found the links to Abortion Hurts and After Abortion.)

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