Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Blogiversary to Me!

I’ve been blogging for one year today. What a joy it’s been. I have to confess that although blogging is really the only thing I do for myself, I still sometimes feel guilty for the time I spend doing it. Yet I can’t think of many things I’d enjoy more. I’ve always loved to write, and a year’s worth of blog entries has yielded a host of starts for more serious work (I hope). I love the simplicity of a low-tech life (although I don’t really lead one), but I have to say that the internet, and especially the blogosphere, are two things I’m so grateful for. In today’s fractured culture, blogs have become a network that provides something like old-time community wells, where women met daily and shared their lives with each other. How fortunate I feel to be able to meet, via their blogs, women who love homemaking, crafting, wifing and mothering, homeschooling, and vintage goods as much as I do, and who can share their wisdom, ideas, and inspiration with me.

Blogging has been a wonderful way to keep in touch with friends and family too. In fact, I need to say Happy Birthday to Valerie, who first introduced me to blogging. So Happy Birthday, my friend! Thank you! (By the way, you’ll be getting a card in the mail soon…Late, I know, but it’s coming…)

Some goals for my blog this year:

Update to Beta.

Pictures. I still don’t think I’m comfortable posting pics of my kids, but if I can ever learn to use the digital camera, I want to post crafts, garage sale finds, home improvements, and projects. Blogs I read who post pictures of those things are so inspirational.

Develop a more specific focus for my blog. It feels sort of scattered to me.

Be more faithful to post family updates.

Post more regularly. It’s been more hit and miss than I’d like.

Read the book Blog.

Thanks so much to my little readership who makes it so much fun to put my words on the web. You’ve made this first year a delight.

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